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平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Sarah Lim

15 June 2024

Aseania Resort: Shiok Staycation for this S'porean Fam!
Island time with the fam, Singaporean style! We booked a stay at Aseania Resort on Pulau Besar Johor for a quick island escape, and let me tell you, it was just what we needed. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not a five-star joint, but for relaxation on a budget, it totally hit the spot! Booking through the Pulau Besar Johor website [] was a breeze - super user-friendly and all the info we needed was right there. The room itself wasn't fancy, but it was clean and comfy, with a balcony overlooking the beach. Sure, the furniture might have seen better days, but hey, the price reflected that, and who needs fancy furniture when you have a sunrise view with your morning kopi, right? The real adventure was Pulau Besar Johor itself. We rented bikes through the resort (super helpful staff, by the way!) and spent our days exploring the island. We'd stop at these little kedai (shops) along the way for yummy local eats - seriously, the food scene there is amazing! The beaches were fantastic - clean, calm waters perfect for a cooling dip. We even tried our hand at kayaking, which ended up being more like flailing limbs than anything else, but hey, we had a blast! Breakfast at Aseania Resort was simple but delicious. Think nasi lemak, roti canai, teh tarik - all the classic Malaysian fare that kept us fueled for our island adventures. Overall, Aseania Resort was a shiok (great) experience! The staff were friendly, the location was perfect for exploring, and the price was super reasonable. It might not be the fanciest resort, but for a relaxed and affordable family getaway, Aseania Resort gets two thumbs up from us!

Aseania Resort Pulau Besar

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 5 ,滿分 5 分

鈴木 麻衣

1 June 2024

妻と私でプラーウ・ベサール島にあるアルンアルン・アイランドリゾートに滞在しましたが、とても素敵な時間でした! ウェブサイト Pulau Besar Johor から予約手続きを行ったのですが、簡単でスムーズでした。 部屋は清潔で快適でした。 こだわりの調度品はないものの、機能的で寝るのに何の問題もありませんでした。 バルコニーからはプールと美しいビーチの景色を楽しむことができ、特にサンセットは最高でした。 食事はビュッフェ式で、地元のマレーシア料理が中心でした。 味付けはマイルドですが、種類が豊富で毎日飽きずに楽しめました。 もちろん、新鮮なシーフードも揃っていました。 スタッフはとても親切でフレンドリーでした。 英語が通じるので、困ったことがあってもすぐに解決してもらえました。 アルンアルン・アイランドリゾートは、プラーウ・ベサール島での滞在にぴったりな場所でした。 豪華さはありませんが、清潔で居心地が良く、スタッフも親切です。 カップルでのんびりとした島の時間を過ごすのに最適でした!

Alun Alun Island Resort

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 5 ,滿分 5 分

Ismadi Halim

26 May 2024

Anniversary Getaway at Bayu Lestari!
Wah nak bagi shoutout kat team Pulau Besar Johor website ni! Memang terbaik lah servis diorang. Planning nak celebrate anniversary kat Bayu Lestari Island Resort, terus je lah cuci tangan booking online melalui website Senang gila process diaorang buat, tak sampai 5 minit dah settle booking! Lepas tu, ada sikit pertanyaan pasal pakej yang sesuai untuk staycation kami berdua. terus je lah emel team Pulau Besar Johor ni. Tak sampai sejam, diorang dah reply dengan penjelasan yang detail lagi menyeluruh. Memang terbaik lah layanan dorang! Sampai je kat Bayu Lestari memang best giler! Semua staff peramah dan sporting, siap bagi ucapan selamat anniversary lagi. Overall pengalaman staycation memang superb! Tak menyesal langsung tempah melalui website Pulau Besar Johor. Lepas ni kalau nak plan holiday santai lagi, confirm akan repeat website ni! Terima kasih team Pulau Besar Johor!

Bayu Lestari Island Resort

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分


25 May 2024

Un soggiorno rilassante all'Aseania Resort di Pulau Besar
Io e la mia famiglia abbiamo recentemente trascorso qualche giorno all'Aseania Resort a Pulau Besar, e siamo rimasti piacevolmente colpiti. Non è un resort di lusso, ma offre tutto ciò di cui si ha bisogno per una vacanza rilassante al mare. Camere: La camera che abbiamo prenotato tramite il sito web Pulau Besar Johor era essenziale ma pulita e confortevole. Non aspettatevi arredi di design, ma il letto era comodo e il bagno funzionale. Il vero punto forte è stato il balcone con vista sul mare, perfetto per godersi il panorama e la brezza marina. Cibo: La colazione a buffet era semplice ma gustosa, con una selezione di piatti tipici malesi. C'erano opzioni sia calde che fredde, e la qualità del cibo era buona. Non aspettatevi una grande varietà, ma ci è sempre bastato per iniziare la giornata con energia. Staff: Lo staff dell'Aseania Resort è stato davvero gentile e disponibile. Non tutti parlavano italiano, ma si sono sempre sforzati di comunicare con noi e soddisfare le nostre richieste. Attività: L'isola di Pulau Besar offre diverse possibilità per chi desidera esplorare un po'. Abbiamo noleggiato delle biciclette direttamente in hotel e ci siamo divertiti a girare per l'isola, scoprendo spiagge nascoste e piccoli villaggi. Si possono fare anche snorkeling e kayak, ma noi ci siamo limitati a goderci il relax in spiaggia. In sintesi: L'Aseania Resort è un'ottima scelta per chi cerca una vacanza al mare con un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo. Non è lussuoso, ma offre camere confortevoli, cibo decente e uno staff cordiale. Se state cercando un'esperienza isolana all'insegna del relax, questo resort è perfetto per voi!

Aseania Resort Pulau Besar

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分


6 May 2024

Aseania 度假村: 物超所值,服務一流
强烈推荐大家入住大岛上的Aseania度假村!这次和家人一起入住,整体感觉非常棒!度假村就坐落在美丽的沙滩旁,景色宜人。虽然度假村的设施可能稍微有些陈旧,但房间干净整洁,住起来很舒适。 令我印象最深刻的是这里的餐饮。早餐种类丰富,能够满足不同的口味,而且味道也相当不错。另外,度假村的工作人员非常友好热情,总是面带微笑,乐于助人,让我倍感宾至如归。 虽然这里的豪华程度可能比不上一些五星级酒店,但是整体性价比还是非常高的。非常适合想要放松身心,享受悠闲海岛时光的游客入住。 总结: Aseania 度假村虽然不是顶级的奢华酒店,但是干净舒适,餐饮可口,工作人员服务一流,性价比很高。非常适合家庭入住!

Aseania Resort Pulau Besar

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 5 ,滿分 5 分

Ibadat Hussein

4 May 2024

A Perfect Escape for Our Family Fun!
Our family trip to Pulau Besar Johor wouldn't have been the same without Bayu Lestari! We came all the way from Saudi Arabia, and with young kids in tow, we wanted a peaceful place with some fun things to do. Bayu Lestari hit the spot perfectly. The resort was beautiful - quiet, green, and right on the beach. It felt like a million miles away from the busy city. We booked a big villa through the Pulau Besar Johor website, and it had plenty of space for everyone. The best part for the kids (and maybe us too!) was renting bikes from the resort. We explored the island's trails, saw amazing views, and got some fresh air. We can't recommend Bayu Lestari enough for families looking for a relaxing Malaysian island getaway!

Bayu Lestari Island Resort

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 3.5 ,滿分 5 分

Joy Chan

3 May 2024

Alun Alun Island Resort: Service Saves the Day (Almost)
Dreaming of a quick island escape, I, a Singaporean tourist, booked a stay at Alun Alun Island Resort on Pulau Besar Johor. The beachfront location promised relaxation, but upon entering the room (reserved through the Pulau Besar Johor website), disappointment struck. We discovered what appeared to be bed bugs and dirty bedsheets – a far cry from the tranquil start we envisioned. Thankfully, the resort staff impressed with their swift response. We immediately notified them, and they were incredibly apologetic. They quickly sent someone to inspect the room and offered an immediate upgrade to a cleaner, pest-free room. The new room was a night-and-day difference, and the staff even went above and beyond by offering complimentary breakfast as a sincere apology for the inconvenience. The staff's prompt action and genuine concern truly salvaged the experience. Their willingness to go the extra mile completely turned things around. Throughout the rest of our stay, the service remained exceptional. The friendly and helpful staff ensured we had a comfortable and enjoyable time exploring the island. While Alun Alun Island Resort has the potential to be a fantastic getaway with its stunning location and commendable service, the initial room cleanliness issue needs serious attention. If hygiene is paramount for you, I recommend a thorough room check upon arrival. However, if you can navigate past that initial hurdle, the beautiful surroundings and excellent service could make for a pleasant stay.

Alun Alun Island Resort

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 5 ,滿分 5 分

Siti Maisarah

22 April 2024

Best Stay Dekat Hotel Ni
Sekali lagi dah jadi port favourite family untuk staycation dekat Pulau Besar Johor - Aseania Resort! Memang overall best la, walaupun tak perfect macam hotel mewah. Walaupun kawasan bermain untuk budak-budak dah takde macam dulu, tapi anak-anak still enjoy activities dekat pantai. Bilik yang kami book through website Pulau Besar Johor ( pun selesa je laa. Makanan breakfast standard je, takde la mewah seh, tapi still boleh laa. Yang bestnya, staff memang sporting macam biasa, lagi lah ramah layan karenah anak-anak. Walaupun tak mewah sangat, tapi untuk harga yang dibayar, memang berbaloi laa. Cuma next time kalau boleh, mungkin boleh tambah fasiliti menarik untuk anak-anak supaya dapat bagi pengalaman lagi best! Secara keseluruhan memang best laa staycation kat sini. Recommended lah kalau korang nak bawa family holiday bajet!

Aseania Resort Pulau Besar

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Aiman Tajuddin

15 April 2024

Alun Alun: Memang Best for Family!
Kami sekeluarga nak bagi thumbs up untuk Alun Alun Island Resort dekat Pulau Besar Johor ni! Memang best lah staycation kat sini. Anak-anaksuka sgt pool, asyik main je dari pagi sampai petang. Servis staff hotel tiptop, ramah. Makanan bolehlah, takde la mewah sangat tapi still sedap. Lagi best, lepas tu boleh jalan-jalan santai kat pantai sambil. Overall memang best la pengalaman staycation kat sini. Recommended lah kalau korang nak bawa family holiday!

Alun Alun Island Resort

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

平均評等為 4 ,滿分 5 分

Linda Kamarudin

11 April 2024

Not Bad For Budget Hotel
Island paradise on a shoestring? Check! My recent stay at Mirage Island Resort on Pulau Besar Johor proved that budget travel and stunning views can go hand-in-hand. This basic but clean and comfortable resort, booked through the Pulau Besar Johor website, offered exactly what I needed - a beachfront escape without breaking the bank. The best part? Every room has a balcony overlooking the turquoise waters - a priceless perk considering the affordable price tag! Plus, the resort's location is unbeatable. Steps from the beach and close to shops and restaurants, Mirage Island Resort is the perfect base for exploring Pulau Besar Johor on a budget.

Mirage Island Resort

This review reflects the personal experience of a visitor and is not affiliated with We maintain high standards for our website content, and user reviews go through a moderation process to ensure accuracy and relevance.

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